
Joe Mama's Pizza

We had reason to celebrate, so we decided to go eat at a restaurant. But which one??  We were wanting to experience not only good food, but a great atmosphere... that was kid-friendly. After a quick Google search, we headed to the historic Blue Dome District in downtown Tulsa.  Home of trendy bars, restaurants, and a stone's throw from OneOK baseball stadium, the Blue Dome was full of people eager for a night out.  We paid $5 to park in a large gravel lot across from Joe Mama's Pizza- our target for the celebratory meal.  While it's nestled next to bars, Joe Mama's was kid-friendly with vintage PacMan & Street Fighter game stations inside.  After a 10 minute wait, we were seated next to a huge projector screen playing endless ESPN Sports Center at a table with white paper and a couple packages of crayons.  This was our kind of place!  We ordered craft beers for us and root beers for the kids, and enjoyed delicious fried pickle chips with ranch while playing Hangman & Tic-Tac-Toe. Then our waiter delivered our pizza, baked to perfection in Joe Mama's brick oven.  We got a large 1/2 Betty White (Alfredo sauce, feta cheese, Roma tomatoes, and mozzarella) and 1/2 T-Rex pizza (basically a meat lover's delight!)!  It was DELICIOUS!! 


Dad and Tim ALL GONE June 2009

Timmy LOVED pointing to others to pick up the things he threw off his high chair!  This is adorable!!

UPWARD- 1st game Dec 2010 Will

This is Will's first basketball game in the UPWARD Program as coached by Shaun. So fun to watch!


Memorial Day 2013
Owasso Cemetery

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
                                                                             -Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae


Snowy Day!!

What a MILD winter it has been (knock on wood)!!  We did, however, get one decent snow where the kids could make a snowman and we could have a decent snowball fight!


Bench Updated!

Here is a picture of an old bench I found at a garage sale. I bought it for $5.

The bench had been recovered three times!  (and all of the fabric was hideous!!)

Here's the new and improved bench!
Total cost of facelift: $2.74!
I already had black paint and painbrushes, so all I had to get was the zebra fabric at $5.47/yard.

Coupon Book for Kids!

Will's love language is Giving Gifts- not necessarily BUYING gifts, but he's always making us cards or notes for us.  So, in thinking of a special Christmas gift for him, I thought we should embrace this!  We made HIM a coupon book!  Now, I made one of these for my husband when we first got married, but the topics within were MUCH different ;)
My husband and I both thought of five things we could do alone with Will.  Having a little brother means sharing time with mom and dad!  Here are some pics of the book:

Made with Love
Coupons expire in 9 years!