This is a true story. A week ago, my loving husband left all the doors open to our house. A bird flew in! And guess what??? It didn't fly back out and we haven't been able to find it! Guess who decided to show its face JUST after friends left tonight?? THE BIRD!!!! So, I grabbed Will's BB gun and ran around the house after this bird!! It ended up in the boys' bedroom!!! After shooting 5 or maybe 10 times (HA!), I finally hit the poor thing! It took about as long for me to approach it afterwards as it did to shoot it down! But, alas, RIP lil renegade bird. Now I have to patch some BB dents in the walls...
After said birdy was down for the count, I heard Will tell Timmy, "I'm really worried now. Daddy told me we have to eat everything we shoot..."