
Bench Updated!

Here is a picture of an old bench I found at a garage sale. I bought it for $5.

The bench had been recovered three times!  (and all of the fabric was hideous!!)

Here's the new and improved bench!
Total cost of facelift: $2.74!
I already had black paint and painbrushes, so all I had to get was the zebra fabric at $5.47/yard.

Coupon Book for Kids!

Will's love language is Giving Gifts- not necessarily BUYING gifts, but he's always making us cards or notes for us.  So, in thinking of a special Christmas gift for him, I thought we should embrace this!  We made HIM a coupon book!  Now, I made one of these for my husband when we first got married, but the topics within were MUCH different ;)
My husband and I both thought of five things we could do alone with Will.  Having a little brother means sharing time with mom and dad!  Here are some pics of the book:

Made with Love
Coupons expire in 9 years! 


"Music in the soul can be heard by the universe." Lao Tzu

Will started taking piano lessons from Mrs. Bass in mid-March this year.  He has proved to be quite talented in it!  What an amazing kid!  While we visited Grant for Thanksgiving, he gave an impromptu concert with Timmy at Westview.  He played without any music book, sang along, and helped Timmy ALL at the same time!!  The residents LOVED their performance!

Will also performed at a Christmas Piano Program sponsored by Mrs. Bass where 28 of her students performed.  He played The First Noel and did a wonderful job!  His Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, and Grandad were all in attendance, along with me and Shaun of course.